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Hidden Treasures Mithaas

Welcome to my second Hidden Treasure instalment. Mithaas is a restaurant I have been meaning to try for some time. It is a pure vegetarian Gujarati restaurant. My family are originally from the Gujarat, a state in India which is almost 100% vegetarian. As a result it...

Hidden Treasures – Haji Gahwa

Every week I hope to bring you a culinary hidden treasure. Those places that foodie’s long to discover and locals want to keep as their little secret. These aren’t flashy, fine dining, celebrity chef establishments but serve the most traditional, exquisite...

A New Life (and an apology)

I have an apology to make Dear Reader. I’ve neglected my blog in recent months. The move to Bahrain made me lose my blogging mojo somewhat. Even though I continued to cook and post on Instagram and (of course) ate out (a lot!). Unfortunately I had what they call...

Summer is here!

So after a long hard winter that seemed like it would never end and strange unpredictable weather it seems that Summer 2018 is finally with us. Hubbie was home for a couple of weeks from Bahrain and we made the most of the glorious weather. Plenty was packed into his...